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Media notification Meeting of Colombo District Doctors U.S. Assistant Secretary Donald Lu Engages with National People’s Power (NPP) Representatives… A meeting between the Indo-Pacific Regional Director of the UK and the leader of the NPP Norwegian Ambassador meets the leader of the NPP
Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

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Chulanga Lasantha

I am doctor Chulanga Lasantha Work at airport as senior IT consultant resides in Wattala my self and our neibouring professionals need work with NPP organizer to achive our community developments targets and contribute on area development commitee. We tried get contact number but unable so appriciate if you can join us to him/ her


Thank you for your interest . Please contact Prof. Chrishantha Abeysena on +94 77 759 1715 for more details to join the NPP . Regards

kulasinghe karadana

I live in Australia nearly 40 years and I love your organization, how can I make a small donation to support your people I want Sri Lanka to be a better place where everyone can live with respect and dignity Thanks Regards K karandana


Thank you for volunteering to help NPP . We don't accept cash donations but you can use your money to donate us a few computers. Regards

Harry Herath

Hi All, Would you be able to let me know Wariyapola NPP contact number please. Whatsapp would be better. Kind Regards Harry


Thank you for your inquiry . Please contact the NPP Kottasa Sabha in your village. You can easily get connected . Regards

Col(Retd) Lalith Gunaratna

I listened to a 6 minute video clip of Dr Nalinda Jayatissa regarding the repurcussions of handing over issuance of Visas to a foreign company. I do agree with him. However, how many of us would be wandering how useful it would be for RAW, to gather information about Sri Lankans and hundreds and thousands of foreigners who visit Sri Lanka. Can you imagine the magnitude of the data base they would develop. Scary ain’t it? I’m sure they are/were doing it Good luck and Best Wishes Lalith Gunaratna (USA)


Thank you and we too are with you. These shady deals are done by politicians to gain monetary advantage. However , it seems to have been revised due to pressure from the society . Regards

Sameera sanjeewa

I like to join NPP. How how could i do that?


Thank you for your interest . Please contact the NPP Kottasa Sabha in your GS division if not let us know where you live. Regards