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Media notification Meeting of Colombo District Doctors U.S. Assistant Secretary Donald Lu Engages with National People’s Power (NPP) Representatives… A meeting between the Indo-Pacific Regional Director of the UK and the leader of the NPP Norwegian Ambassador meets the leader of the NPP
Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

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Mohamed Nafaz

I have to ask you this question after you guys take over the government bring the law to those who spread discord between religion? what is plan clean underworld mafia and drug dealers? easter attack you know what i mean?


Thank you for your inquiry. The culprits responsible for easter attack will be taken to task despite their rank or affiliations. The inquiry reports and the other available evidence are more than sufficient to take all those masterminds including the former high profile politicians into task and will be dealt with the highest punishment a court of law can give for such criminals. The underworld and other mafia gangs will also be brought to books. No sympathy for criminals in an NPP government. Regards

Charith WaWanniarachchi

What would be your payee tax policy for semi government employees ?


Thank you for your inquiry. In our tax policy, there will be many reforms coming into effect. PAYE is one such tax of which taxable income level will be revised. To fill the shortfall , the there will be mechanisms to control tax evasion and avoidance by people who are able to pay taxes. Regards

Dr Sisira Madurapperuma

Hello, this is Dr. Sisira Madurapperuma from Bangkok, Thailand. I'm currently working as a Director of an International Organization and left Sri Lanka 17 years ago. I hold a PhD in Climate Change and Food Security from the University of Huddersfield, UK, an MSc in Environmental Economics from the Postgraduate Institute of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, and a BSc in Agriculture Economics (Hons). I have served for over two decades as an international civil servant serving Asia, the Pacific and Africa region. I have worked in over 26 countries and have contributed to the socio-economic development, climate resilience and food security of those countries. My profile can be found here: www.linkedin.com/in/sisira-madurapperuma. Having worked and seen how other countries strategically progress, I feel very sad about my motherland and its current status due to the eight decades of bad governance by two political parties. Therefore, I would like to make my contribution to its growth meaningfully and be part of a progressive movement like NPP. However, as a senior executive of an international organization, I cannot be at the forefront as we need to be politically neutral as part of our jobs. But I cannot keep a blind eye at this stage. I don't have any personal ambition or hidden benefit to achieve by joining NPP as my family, and I left the country 17 years ago, but Sri Lanka is the only country that my family and I love the most. I also felt that NPP was the only solution and perhaps the last chance in front of us. So, I wish to contribute to the path of NPP and its success. Therefore, please let me know how professionals like us, who are working for international organizations outside Sri Lanka, can be part of NPP policy groups or appropriate entities. Is there a Thailand / Bangkok-based NPP group that I can be part of and contribute to? I can meet representatives of NPP either in Bangkok, if there is any group here, or meet your Colombo representatives when I visit Sri Lanka next time.


Thank you for your email and we highly appreciate your interest to help develop the country under an NPP government. You are a valuable resource for us and we would like you to contact Dr Shantha Jayarathne, a member of the NPP policy development team. His email is [email protected] Regards

Dilakshan Seneviratne

NPP has not released its economic policy yet but from listening to AKD and other NPP leaders is it right to say that if NPP wins power, SL will have a Market economy? If so, will a NPP government involvement be limited to facilitating via government agencies: 1) the functioning of independent markets by only providing the rules for market entry and operations? 2) equal access to Markets, for every person from any part of the country? (in contrast to the crony capitalism now, where certain individuals have favoured access to markets and therefore the current markets are very inefficient) 3) providing timely advice on goods and services that are required in both the national and international markets How will co-operatives (eg, milk, rice etc) fit within the market economy? Will they access the respective markets as normal market participants or will they be given preferential treatment?


Thank you for your inquiry. We have not released our new policies or manifestos for 2024 elections since an election has not been declared so far.

We don't advocate Market Economy and it is not our economic policy but of all other major parties. The economic policy that we have elaborated on consists of three main players i.e. government sector, private sector and the cooperative system. You can call it by any name but globally this model is called Social Solidarity Economy. There is a role to play for the government in our economy . Example , providing education to all citizens is a government's responsibility. Health, social security are also government's responsibilities. However, government need not sell fish, spices, coconut or eggs. The government should provide facilities to develop the industry. For example, if you take the fisheries industry, people will have better access to quality fish. Also fish prices may drop due to creating genuine competition. The government needs to provide capital and technology if necessary to produce fishing boats, nets, and other fishing equipment. The government authorities should provide the fisherman with the data of fish movements in the sea using satellite images. The cooperative system will organize the rural community and get them involved in agriculture, micro industries and will contribute to the economic growth. Government's responsibility is to bring in new technology to the field . Provide financial assistance. Create a market for the producers. Government need not grow paddy or run hotels or garment factories.

NPP economic policy has highlighted all the roles and responsiblities of all three players in the economy. Regards

Prof Asoka S, Seneviratne

Dear All I want to participate and contribute to the economic development efforts of NPP without expectation. I am 76 and a product of free education in Sri Lanka. I am living in New Zealand and am a Sri Lankan citizen Formerly, I was the Special Advisor of the President of Namibia (2006-2012) appointed by the President of Namibia. I emailed my CV to Anura. Pls kindly respond. Thank you Asoka


Thank you for your mail. We received your previous mail and we sent our reply. We are pleased to here that you had been an advisor to the Namibian government. Can you draft an economic blueprint for Sri Lanka and send it to us so that we can pass it to our economic council? They will take your short term, medium and long term goals for the Agriculture, Industry and the Service sectors. Regards