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Media notification Meeting of Colombo District Doctors U.S. Assistant Secretary Donald Lu Engages with National People’s Power (NPP) Representatives… A meeting between the Indo-Pacific Regional Director of the UK and the leader of the NPP Norwegian Ambassador meets the leader of the NPP
Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

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Neville Ratnasiri

Please let me know the Educational qualifications of all the members of NPP n JVP


Thank you for your inquiry. We regret to inform you that we are unable to send you the educational qualifications of several millions of our members. Regards

Kubra Jawher

We Muslims are very concerned about rumours that NPP will bring about legislation that will infringe on our Islamic duties such as CIRCUMCISION. Muslims are bound to circumcise both their male and female children and is an OBLIGATORY DUTY. By FEMALE CIRCUMCISION we mean the simple operation of removing the prepuce or dirty skin covering the clitoris, and NOT FGM (Female Genital Mutilation). We would like to know your party's stance on this please?


Thank you for your inquiry and we understand your concerns. We wish to stress that it is a misinterpretation by parties with vested interests. Please keep your trust on us. Regret if any inconvenience is caused. Regards

Mohamed Firzan

Could you please share your election manifesto?


Thank you for your inquiry. Please note that we have not published our 2024 manifesto so far. However, you can download 2020 manifesto from our website npp.lk Kind regards

L. S. Sisira K. Weerasekaralage

I propose to improve the content of the Web. I am sending Content for the Home page today to the Secretary and the Leader. This is very important at this stage. I will improve other contents too. You all can discuss , analyze and attend for the same


Thank you for your proactive approach in proposing improvements to the content of our website. We greatly appreciate your dedication to enhancing our online presence, especially during this crucial stage.

To streamline the process and ensure the efficient implementation of your suggestions, we kindly request that you compile all proposed changes to the web page content into a single Word document. This will facilitate easier review, discussion, and analysis by the Secretary, the Leader, and the rest of the team.

Your efforts in improving the content are invaluable, and we want to ensure that we can effectively incorporate your ideas into our website. By consolidating all suggestions into one document, we can efficiently address each point and work towards enhancing our online platform.

Once again, we thank you for your contribution and look forward to reviewing your proposed changes.


Amil Walgamage

Under a NPP government, what action would be taken to stop brain drain? How would you attract Srilanka’s who have left the country back?


Thank you for your inquiry . Brain drain has been in Sri Lanka since independence. People migrate due to various reasons such as economical , social , political , educational or other . You cannot stop it by law or you should not do that.

What a government should do is to build an environment for the people to remain within and do extend their service to the country of their birth . There should be a sufficient remuneration for the individual based on his credentials. There should be a country that people can see good governance is there. There should be a country that people respect each other. There should be country that ensures a secure future for the youth. There should be a country where a citizen can say proudly that I am Sri Lankan. NPP builds such a country so that citizens alike will feel that they have a safer country to die peacefully one day.