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Jathika Jana Balavegaya (NPP)

Twentieth Century

Sri Lanka, which inherited a great civilization with agricultural and industrial development in the distant past, has now become a collapsed state. Despite being a developed state under historical conditions, we have failed to become a modern advanced developed state under current conditions. We have not been able to build a strong modern Sri Lanka based on the agricultural tradition of the past. In the 20th century, which was the end of the colonial period and the five decades after independence, we were unable to complete the journey towards modernity and development even though there were potentials to build a modern Sri Lankan state in various fields such as engineering, medicine, architecture, culture and research. The group responsible for disrupting that journey is the corrupt elite ruling class, who depended on the economy of Western colonialists and therefore showed no interest in building a strong local economy until now after independence, ruling the country with a feudal me

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